Monday, July 8, 2013

Recipe Vegetable Samosa Recipe – Make Samosa At Home

Now make India’s most favourite snack suitable for all occasions which is also liked by all — THE SAMOSA
For the pastry:
4 oz. plain flour
Pinch of salt
1 oz. butter / ghee
2 tbs warm milk
For the stuffing:
1 big onion
1 inch ginger
2 green chillies
Oil for frying
1/2 bunch coriander leaves
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
4 oz. green peas shelled
1/2 tsp garam masala powder
Salt – to taste
4 oz. potatoes, boiled, pealed,cubed.
2 tsp lemon juice
1.Sieve the flour with salt. Rub in butter/ ghee.
2.Add milk and knead to a stiff, smooth dough. Cover and set aside.
3.Finely mince onion,green chillies,ginger and coriander leaves. Separately heat little oil in a pan and fry mustard seeds, when the crackle add onion and fry till golden brown.
4.Add chillies, ginger and turmeric powder and fry for 2 minutes.Add shelled green peas, garam masala powder and salt. Cook till peas are done.
5.Add potatoes, coriander leaves and lemon juice. Mix well and cook for about 1 more  minute.
6.Remove from heat and cool. Divide the pastry into 6 equal pieces.
7.Roll each into thin circular shape, dust with flour to make rolling easier.
8.Cut each circle into half and place a spoon full of vegetable on each semicircle.Moisture the edges with water and seal carefully to form triangular shape pastries.
9.Heat some oil and deep fry the samosas on both the sides till golden brown.

This favourite Indian snack can be had with sweet tamarind chutney or tomato sauce and salted and fried green chillies. This is the most favourite snack of people to have with tea.

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