Sunday, January 5, 2014

Google Plus SEO strategy and ways to improve it

Are you doing business and wanna improve your SEO (search engine optimization) using Google plus? This post instructs the Google plus SEO strategy and some ways to improve it.
Ranking well in search engines is essential for every business to target and get potential clients. Most of the internet marketers use social networks, share worthy information to get genuine social signals to please search engines and get succeed in their business. Useful Google Plus features and its SEO strategy make the people to use it widely for their personal and professional use.
I am part-time blogger and Google Plus is my favorite social network. I believed that there is a strong relationship lies between the Google plus and SEO. I am having thousands of Google Plus followers and my activities in this popular social network helps me to get good SERP (search engine page ranking) for my blog posts. Before discussing the Google Plus SEO strategy and the ways to improve it, let me tell you some current facts and stats of Google Plus.

Google Plus facts and stats of 2013

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Google Plus has over 343 million active users now and about 60% are daily users. 40% of internet marketers are using Google Plus and +1 button is used more than 5 billion times per day. Almost 67% of people have planned to increase their activities in Google Plus and 70% wants to learn more about it. Recently Google Plus had dominated monthly visits ofFacebook and twitter with no. of visits per month at 1,203 million. Amazing stats of Google plus, isn’t it?

Google Plus SEO strategy

Google has already cleared that the no. of +1s have no impact on search rankings, but Google Plus profiles and pages do have and you could increase the chances of getting the targeted visitors from Google organic search result with it. So to get high SERP, recognize the following Google plus SEO strategy.
1. Google Plus posts are crawled & indexed quickly.
2. Each post of Google plus pass link equity and if the shared post is valuable, it send semantic signals to search algorithm of Google.
3. If the username (+Nirmalasanthakumar) has been mentioned many times in the Google plus posts by others, it would build up a good rank for that profile page. Posts from that profile will rank better in search.

8 ways to improve the Google Plus SEO strategy

Google uses variety of tools and signals to decide the quality of the website (Each page of the website) to give rank on search engines. For that, the basic Search engine optimization and getting quality links from other websites are more important. So most of the digital marketers are using Google plus for business to get some SEO benefits. Let’s check some of the ways to improve the Google Plus SEO strategy now.
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1. Have a complete Google Plus profile
Your Google plus profile page tells your entire business history, so it is essential to complete all the required fields like adding real name and image, website details with description, etc. and get verified by Google. Adding Google Plus Badge on your blog/website would help you to gain credibility and followers.

2. Share High quality content consistently
Provide solutions, interesting facts, and unknown stuffs to your readers; engage them with your quality content. Also do conversation on the shared Google plus post and this would assist you to make high-ranking on web searches.

3. Get Google Plus Authorship
Getting authorship from Google for your Google Plus profile page would make you popular in the web searches as the Google plus snippet will be shown with your profile image, name and no. of followers in your Google plus circle.

4. Use G+ button often
+1 of Google Plus is similar to Facebook like. It comes along with your Google Plus profile and it let the readers to click on it to express their fascination towards the shared content. If the readers did so, it is like sharing your content on their network. If more people clicked the +1 button on your share content, it would send signals to the search engines saying that your content is more relevant.

5. Make use of featured link
The featured link of the Google Plus post is a do-follow and you could make use of it to share your website links. I used to see people sharing the link in the description filed along with the description of the content. If you do so, the link juice would not be passed to your website/blog.

6. Grow your Google plus circle
Google plus SEO strategy would be enhanced by following influential people related your field and adding link-minded people to your Google plus circle. The larger your Google Plus network, the more you influence the people’s search results who have you in their Google Plus circles. Buying Google Plus fans would result in a lower search profile, so add the relevant people manually to grow it further.

7. Include Keyword in the description
While sharing the information on Google plus posts, include appropriate keywords in the description (specifically in the first line). It would help you to drive traffic to your website/blog from the search engines. You could make use of Spark, a Google plus feature to add videos and information automatically related to the shared content by setting up of the keyword searches in it.

8. Take part in Google communities
To engage, learn and share the helpful stuffs associated to your business, do take part in various Google Plus communities. The more you stay active here, the more you get favor from search engines and this would let you to advance your brand name.

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