Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How To Use Google Plus To Increase Brand Awareness Of The Business?

Google Plus stats (As of Feb 2014)

Google Plus is just two years old. With the +1 and Author Rank, it gets influence of search engine rankings and hence it is widely used by content creators, webmasters and marketers to gain exposure and boost their brand awareness with it. According to the recent stats, Google Plus has more than 1 billion accounts till now and active monthly users are about 540 million. Every month, nearly 8 lakh new users are signing up here and almost 70% of business are using it to attain SEO and search ranking benefits. Furthermore, G+’s +1 is being used more than 5 billion times a day and the growth rate of Google Plus is 33% per year.
I am sure that you got amazed with this latest Google Plus stats, am I right? Now, let’s discuss some significant reasons on using Google Plus to increase brand awareness of a business.  

Why Google Plus is needed to increase brand awareness?

Google Plus offers some excellent brand building opportunities for every business and so it is ingenious to make use of it effectively. Some of the reasons that Google Plus is required for your brand’s visibility are given below
                                                    Image Credit:

1. Search engines can measure the popularity of your G+ profile based on the amount of information gets shared about your brand and level of activities of that page. So, if your G+ profile has higher visibility then it will lead to high SERP to your shared posts.
2. If your profile is public here, anyone can recommend your posts by giving +1 and it could be seen by the people in their circles and you’ll get new followers to enlarge your visibility.
3. Google+ Circles and Hangouts are the great tools to share the special offers/latest updates/new products to your followers effortlessly.
There are many reasons, but I touched some key points in using Google Plus to enhance the brand awareness of the business. 

Recommendations to use Google Plus to increase brand awareness of a business

It is important for a business to have a solid presence on Google Plus and I’ve already discussed this matter. If you missed this post, you can check here “Why Google plus for business?” As the potential of G+ is getting advanced day by day, most of the brands are amusingly taking part here to increase their social presence.

Escalating social existence with Google plus for a business is good, but how to establish authority on it? Here are my beneficial Google plus tips to boost brand awareness which would aid you to grow as an expert in your business.

1. Add quality followers

“The more no. of Google + followers that I am having, the more I’ll be considered important by Google” Are you thinking so? If so, you’re wrong and it is hard to get authoritative in the eyes of Google. Yes, it is not important that the no. of followers you have, it is about the attentive followers who are ready to engage with your shared posts. So don’t follow the people simply as they are following you.

2. Share Fabulous content

Every online business should have a blog to give consistent updates for their customers about their product/service and obviously content is the king. If you’re an excellent content creator with in-depth information, you can easily establish authority in Google Plus but you should be selective in sharing other’s content. Yeah, the less discrimination while sharing the posts in G+, the less weight of your share will be made by Google. Are you getting me? I am saying that it would be good to share the posts according to the interest of your audience.

3. Consider +1 button as valuable

The +1 button of G+ is more valuable and if you hit it, you’re authorizing that content of the post. It will be meaningless and seems even spam, if you are endorsing everything. So, don’t randomly hit the +1 of your follower’s posts. Do read the content, estimate its value and then give your vote for it. Try to leave your meaningful comment on the post where you’re hitting the +1 of G+.

4. Use Spark and Ripples

Spark- It is an amazing tool to find out and track everything about your fascinating content on Google Plus. Moreover, you can share your topics of interest to your friends circle.
Ripples – Many Google Plus users are unaware of this beneficial feature which is hidden in the drop down menu of each post. If your post got shared by the people, it is possible to get the reshare details through a visual way with Ripples. You could also make use of it to find the leaders with big thoughts and influential in your business field.
Making use of these tools will let to have a better understanding about Google plus and it would increase your brand awareness.
 I just started using these features of Google plus, so will write a detail post about its usage in my upcoming posts.

5. Citation of high authority profiles

While creating content for your business, if you’re including any reference link from high authority site, try to find the Google Plus profile of that author and add with it.
This is Google Plus profile citation and this will create back-link to their G+ profile. After publishing the post, share it in G+ by mentioning the author whom you’ve linked and they’ll get notification. Then they might appreciate you and share your post on their network to reach broader audience.
This is better than ping-back method as you’re adding high authority Google Plus profile to your content and marketing that attribution.

6. Leverage Communities and Hangouts

To get good authority in your niche, it is good to make relationship with the like-minded spectators and this could be attained by using communities and hangouts of Google plus. Creating communities (social groups) based on specific interest and engaging with them live through hangouts would help you to obtain more interaction with the concurring people and hence increase brand awareness.

7. Utilize cross product integration & Embed post

Google+ has integrated with Gmail, YouTube and Google drive and so you’ll get opportunity to show the market that you’re having a brand that booms on many levels for your entire operations with a remarkable format.
Like Facebook and Twitter, Google Plus posts can be embedded on your webpage. By highlighting your informative post shared on Google Plus along with your interesting conversation with audience, your brand reliability will be visible to your visitors. 

8. Link your G+ profile through comments

As commenting on other web pages is an effective way to build relationship with your link prospectus, add your Google plus profile page instead of your business webpage in leading websites related to your field. As it emphasis more on building a connection rather than link building, you’ll get good prestige from the visitors and site owner and they’ll add you in their Google plus circles which would expand your brand awareness.

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