Monday, August 5, 2013

How To Avoid Weight Gain After Marriage

Happiness of getting married may add more weight to your body. Now that you have got the perfect guy already, you may hardly bother to go work out back again to get that fab look or you may have got too less time mingling with your in laws to worry about your body which made your Mr. Perfect say YES to marry you.
 Well, you do not really have to get that worried. We have few special tips on how to avoid weight gain after marriage for you which are easy and will lead you have a healthy lifestyle after marriage:
1.Eat Healthy: Prefer cooking low calorie food at home picking some of the nutritious ingredients. Say a big NO for the fatty foods and enjoy sugar free sweets which are easily available these days.
2.Simple Exercises: Sparing a little time for about 30 minutes minimum basic exercises can help you burn fat and sweat it out. Regular exercising will surely work wonders to your body.
3.Stay Happy: When a person is tensed or in a worried mood, men may get addicted to drinking and women rely on excess chocolates and junk food. Avoid this and live happily sorting out things than making it more complicated.
4.Multi-Tasking: Instead of just sticking to the television, use the time parallelly doing body stretches, do some physical household activity. Being active this way, will help you stay fit without wasting time behind just sitting idle watching your favorite daily soaps.
5.Toning Body Exercises: Push-ups, Floor sit-ups, Tricep dips and a few dumbbell moves will give you a perfect shape you always desired for.

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