Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sarus Crane: The Only Resident Crane Species of India

The only resident crane species of India has its height more than an average Indian man. Though IUCN has listed this bird in the ‘vulnerable’ category, its numbers in India stands at 10000, in parts of UP, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana. The bird has seen a rapid decline in its numbers in recent years due to pollution and destruction of its habit, i.e., marshlands. Pollutants specially pesticides has proved to be lethal for various birds and animals, and the Sarus Crane isn’t left behind. Steps have been taken for the use of bio-pesticides, so save the environment from the ill effects of the pesticides, which indirectly goes on to harm the human beings, who are at the top of the food chain. Notably, a particular pesticide was harming the vultures, which used to feed on the caracus of animals which in turn had feeded on the grains infected by the pesticide.
Animals and birds play a very important role in maintaining a balance in the ecosystem and indirectly they play a significant role in facilitating the agricultural environment. Bats and bees help in pollination scavenger birds like vultures feed on the caracus of dead animals, birds like Sarus feed on insects and control the spread of weeds by feeding on its seeds.
There are around 15 crane species globally, of which around five are found in India, and Sarus Crane is the only one, therefore, adequate steps should be taken for its conservation.

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