Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Best ways to make money on YouTube

What is YouTube?

YouTube is a video based website which allows the users to view and share the videos. It launched in the year 2005 by the former PayPal employees and later it was acquired by Google. Here uploaded videos converted into the Adobe flash files so that the people can see the videos without any software or plugin.
Did you know the current popularity of YouTube? Yes, it is the No.2 search engine and currently there are more than 800 million of monthly unique visitors. Most of the people searches to learn about products and services in YouTube than reading the written content. As its popularity getting advanced daily, it is the best idea to look for some ways to make money with it. So let’s check some best ways to make money on Youtube videos.

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How to make money on YouTube?

If you want to make money on you-tube, it would be good if you upload videos in it. Original videos like videos created with the help of mobile phones or camcorder attracts the people a lot. Or if you want to present some computer tutorials by capturing its screen, expression encoder or Camtasia can be used.
Are you interested in creating the videos with any of the method which I’ve specified above? Then you may do reading the ways to earn money with it.

1. Join in YouTube partner program.
Joining as a partner with the YouTube is good but you need to get approval to make money with it. If you want to earn through this method, you have to publish the videos regularly on your fascinating subjects, market your videos with social media and setup a good subscriber base for it. Then apply for the partner program to earn a percentage of Ad revenue from YouTube.
Individual video partnerships and Account level partnerships are the two different types of partner programs available for the users to make money on YouTube videos.

2. Sell your own merchandise by promoting it.
If you are excellent in creating the products like software, eBooks, apps for mobile/PC or specific services like writing, SEO and so on, create your quality videos which explain about the product/service and promote it through YouTube. Try to reach more customers to get product purchases/service requests.

3. Do affiliate marketing.
This is the good option for you, if you are not attentive in creating the products. Usually there are two types of people using the YouTube. Some for entertainment and rest of the people are searching the solutions for their problems. Just target the second group people and usekeyword tool to find the requirements of people.
Sign-up in some giant affiliate websites like Amazon or Clickbank and choose the riveted problem solving product. Create interesting video about the chosen product and add your affiliate link in the description. The more YouTube subscribers you have, the greater sale of affiliate products.

4. Create videos for blogs/website
Many webmasters are driving huge traffic with their YouTube videos and earning with it. If you have a blog/website and using revenue sharing program like Google AdSense or doing affiliate marketing, then you can increase the earnings by creating the interesting videos about your blog and ask them to check your blog/website at the end of the video.
Also, it is possible to add your Google Adsense ads on your created videos and you could make some bucks if its get clicked. To enable this feature, login into your Adsense account, go to,  click triangle symbol near upload option. Then choose
Dashboard —> channel settings —> enable monetization.
While creating videos, make sure to avoid other people’s sound/music. It is virtuous for the bloggers to make money on YouTube videos with their blog and the CTR is high here.

5. Sell links in youtube description
Selling place for links in your description field is the simple way to earn money from YouTube. As the YouTube enables links in the description field, you can contact advertisers and offer a CPM figure to place their links instead of yours. You should aware in selecting the advertisers to keep up your channel reputation.
Also, you can search for the videos without any links in the description and ask them to place your links to gain more audience by paying less money.

Magical ways to make money on YouTube

1. It is always curious to take part in contests, and if it is in the viral medium, then? So search for some branded contests in YouTube and take part in those to win some cash and cool prizes.
2. Search for some local businesses which do not have online presence. Convince them that you’ll create videos for them by explaining their products or services, upload these videos to help them to get online presence and make money with it.
3. If you are excellent in creating the vibrant tutorials and having thousands of subscribers, then you could ask some payments to view your channel.


Internet is a big source of making money at the comfort of home. If you have some unique skills, then it is possible for you to earn money without investment. Many authentic online jobs invite the people to make online income at convenient time.
Making money on YouTube is one of it and many folks are earning a decent income with their own videos. Number of subscribers and views are the key elements to make money on YouTube, so make an attention to have large number of genuine subscribers.
Hope you gained some knowledge about “How to earn money on YouTube?”. What is your opinion about these ways to make money on YouTube?

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