Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tips & Tools To Reduce Computer Eye Strain

In this post, I’ve discussed some tips and tools to reduce computer eye strain which could help you work more efficiently with your PC. 
Do your eyes feel tired, burning or itchy after seeing your computer? Or do you have watery/dry eyes while looking at the digital screen? Are you experiencing blurred/double vision, focusing difficulty or increased sensitivity to light when you work with PC? These are the symptoms of dry eyes and you’re most at risk for computer eye strain which can hurt your productivity. This computer eye fatigue can be medically termed asComputer Vision Syndrome.
Now a days, the use of computer,tablets and smartphones is very common at office, schools and home. So, whether you’re an internet marketer, student or a person who spend hours a day in front of computer screen, I’d suggest you to read this post till end to prevent digital eye strain. Let me start on what causes eye strain when using a computer!

What Causes Computer Eye Strain?

Digital devices have small prints and pixel images which may need more focus to read and thus cause strain to eyes.
Poor lighting, having improper work station and getting exposed to extreme brightness or glare would cause computer eye strain.
Moreover, if you have uncorrected vision problems, headaches or blurring of vision, you’re more vulnerable to get eye discomfort.
Reduced blinking, bad posture and extended reading are also the significant reasons for computer eye strain.

How To Relieve Computer Eye Fatigue?

Below are the simple tips to avoid computer eye strain and lessen the symptoms of CVS.


1. Undergo routine eye exam

Have regular eye-check up and consult with the doctor how often you use computer both at office and home. Don’t forget to specify the distance between your eyes and computer screen. This measurement would help the doctor to test your eyes at that particular distance.

2. Check light settings

If you have extreme bright light while working with your PC, it would cause computer eye strain. So,
1. If there is excess sunlight in your working room, use drapes.
2. Use light bulbs at the side of your computer screen, instead of fixing it in front/behind the monitor.
3. Find full-spectrum fluorescent lights with reduced brightness.

3. Fine tune and Advance PC display

If you’ve improper computer monitor settings, you’ll get digital eye fatigue. Yes, your PC screen should have moderate brightness & contrast, readable text size (use”ctrl +” when needed) and less color temperature to prevent eye strain.
Also, if you use old monitors with CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) you’ll more likely to have eye discomfort as it causes images to flicker. So, try to advance your computer display with LED screen which do not have any major impact on your eyes.

4. Reduce Glare

If your computer screen get more reflections due to outside light, it will produce glare which would make your eyes to get strain. In that case, you may cover the widows/doors or change the paint of your light color wall with dark color. However, the best solution to minimize glare is that to install anti-glare filter on your computer monitor. If you wear spectacle, consider buying the lenses with anti-reflective coating as it would reduce the amount of light reflection.

5. Practice to blink often

Computer eye strain is mainly caused due to dryness and irritation. If you blink less frequently, coating of tears may get fade away and thus cause eye strain. People who work at computer rarely blink their eyes which would result in the loss of eye moisture. So, when you work with your PC, it is more important to blink regularly to keep your eyes well lubricated and nourished.

6. Get eyewear for computer

One of the best ways to avoid computer eye strain is to get computer reading glasses for your eyes. PC glasses are proved to be the greatest comfort provider at your computer than contact lenses (Contact lenses would get dry during continuous computer work)

7. Maintain good posture

Poor posture during computer work would contribute digital eye problems. Get a good computer chair that can be easily adjusted to a suitable height of your computer screen. Sitting about 24 inches away from the monitor would be good and the optimum position of the screen should be 15 to 50 degrees below eye level to avoid eye fatigue. 

8. Other tips to prevent eye strain from computer use

Below are the useful tips to get rid of computer eye strain
 • Take regular breaks and stretch your body parts.
 • Follow 20-20 rule (After 20 minutes computer work, practice to look at the object at 20 feet away for 20 seconds)
 • Stay hydrated and intake vitamin A, C and E rich foods for your overall eye health.
 • Regularly clean your computer monitor to avoid reflections and glare.
 • Close your eyes and get relax for some time.

10 Efficient Tools To Reduce Computer Eye Strain

Technology has been emerging a lot and thus some efficient tech toolsare available to prevent computer eye strain. Below are the apps which would help you to reduce the brightness of the screen, manage the monitor glare or remind you to give rest to your eyes.

1. ProtectYourVision 

Protectyourvision is a free application which has been specially designed to protect your eyes from computer eye strain. It has three different modes with sound alarm and desktop notification. You can select the suitable mode and you avert your eyes from computer screen.

2. Fadetop 

It’s a funny software which fades your desktop into bluish color. It has been created mainly to develop the habit of taking breaks to relax your eyes for every 15 minutes and to release tension around neck parts. This visual break reminder is for Windows and displays current time.

3. Timeout 

If you sit in front of computer for endless hours, Timeout remind you to take break on regular basis. It has two kinds of breaks named “Normal” break and “Micro” break and thus you may enable your preferred pause, based on the amount of time you spend with computer. Having excellent customization features is a notable stuff of Timeout. This computer eye strain app is also available for Mac users.

4. F.lux 

Do you work with computer at night? Then F.lux is one of the perfect solutions to reduce computer eye strain. Yes, it makes your PC warm at night and like sunlight during the day. It would also help you to sleep better. Windows, Mac, Linux and IOS users can download this computer eye strain software for free. 
If you don’t wanna install F.lux or having preference for Chrome extensions, you may install Glux on your chrome browser.

5. PangoBright 

This is also an ideal app for the late night computer workers who wish to control multiple monitors. It is simple to use which allows managing the brightness of several PC screens. This screen dimmer is free to use and works on Windows 7, XP and Vista.

6. EyeDefender 

EyeDefender is a specially designed freeware to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome which lets you to schedule the break to be taken while working on computer for hours. It runs a default screen saver and visual training to calm down the eyes. Setting up the time to take rest, displaying the pop up timed reminder and some automatic features are the noteworthy features of Eyedefender.

7. Sunglasses

If you’re using your computer in the dark, this helpful chrome extension tints the websites with white backgrounds to prevent your eyes from hurting. You may set the brightness level of your monitor with this chrome add-on.

8. Twlight 

Are you Android user who work with Smartphone or Tablet in the late evening? If so, download Twlight from Google Play Store to get pleasant experience for your eyes during night. It filters the flux of blue light emitted from the gadget screens and protect your eyes with a soft red filter. This dynamic eye strain app will also help to get rid of sleeping problems. 

9. Workrave 

Workrave is an efficient program which alerts you to take micro-pauses, breaks to take rest and restricts your computer usage limit. It helps you to recover and prevent the Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and it runs on Windows & GNU/Linux.

10. EyeLeo 

EyeLeo is also a handy application to remind you to take short eye breaks. If you spend more time with your computer, you’ll get practiced to take care of your eyes with its features like screen blocking, strict mode, eye exercise and customizable parameters.
Most of the people spend several hours daily in front of the computer screen as a part of their jobs and after reaching home, they continue to watch TV, play games on tablets and use smartphone to chat with friends. So they often feel tired in their eyes and get headache.
A recent study states that about 70% of the people from developed countries are getting affected by Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) as they are viewing digital screen for more than 2 hours every day. So, it would be good to often blink your eyes and perform eye gymnastics. I would recommend you to follow the above discussed tips and use any of the tools to put off computer eye strain.
Do you spend many hours in front of digital screen? Are you following any innovative methods to reduce computer eye strain? Share your experiences with me

Friday, December 26, 2014

Xiaomi Mi Pad – Tablet With Impressive Features

You could get the essential details of an exciting tablet, Xiaomi Mi Pad through this post.
Xiaomi is a company which is becoming famous day by day. Xiaomi Mi Pad is one of the populartablets which comes with 7.9 inch display screen. Mi Pad is powerful and is provided with the best features. Mi Pad 2G-16GB version comes at $292 only, while the Mi Pad 2G-32GB comes at price of $309. Xiaomi Mi Pad can definitely be the perfect tablet if you have budget of $300 to buy a new tablet. Now let’s discuss about the features and other details about Xiaomi Mi Pad.

Thrilling Specifications Of Xiaomi Mi Pad Tablet

Key specifications of Xiaomi Mi Pad that you need to know are as follows


Display Screen 

7.9 inch display screen of Xiaomi Mi Pad comes with very good resolution which is of 2048 x 1536 pixels. Pixel density is 326PPI which clearly indicates the display screen of this tablet is of good quality.

Processor, RAM and Memory

Mi Pad tablet boasts 2.2 GHz Quad-Core Nvidia Tegra K1 processor. It has been provided with 2 GB RAM. You may definitely prefer this tablet over some of the other tablets with 1 GB RAM only. With this Xiaomi tablet you get internal memory of 16 GB. With most tablets you can get external memory up to 32 GB or 64 GB only, but with this Xiaomi tablet you can get external memory up to 128 GB. If you love to store many games and videos, then definitely you may love this Xiaomi tablet as it comes with good storage space.

Camera Features

Mi Pad comes with rear facing camera of 8 megapixels and this camera is a Sony back-illuminated camera. Front facing camera is of 5 megapixels which can be very useful in taking selfies. It is good to see that Xiaomi understanding the need of youngsters and providing a 5 megapixel camera in the front of this tablet.

Connectivity Features and Battery

2G, 5 GHz Wi-Fi, USB OTG, Bluetooth 4.0, HID, Gyroscope are the connectivity features which you get with Mi Pad. 3G is missing, but you may still feel totally satisfied with this amazing Xiaomi tablet.
This attractive tablet comes with 6700 mAh battery to offer good battery life. If you’re frustrated with the low battery life of your current tablet, then you may definitely decide to go with Xiaomi Mi Pad tablet.

Remarkable features of Xiaomi Mi Pad

Below are the significant features of Xiaomi Mi Pad tablet for your view
1. It is the first tablet packed with Tegra K1 processor of NVIDIA.
2. Its RAM is 4 times bigger than iPadMini and it has memory card slot too.
3. Battery power of this gadget is excellent so as to give more lasting life.
4. You may capture the pictures with bokeh effect through its illuminated camera.
5. Its screen is extreme Retina with easy to use screen ratio.

Considerable achievement in selling

In the month of July, 2014, Xiaomi sold its Android-based tablet, the Mi Pad 50, 000 units in less than four minutes. Thus this low-cost Android tablet acts as a big competitor toApple iPad Mini 2.

My Opinion

At $292 I don’t expect the top-notch specifications and features than what has been provided in Mi Pad tablet and thus I’d say it is one of thebest tablets in all aspects. Display screen of Mi Pad is impressive than the display screen of other tablets with same price range. This tablet has an impressive display screen of 7.9 inch, while the display screen of some other tablets doesn’t come with such amazing resolution. Powerful Processor, 2GB RAM and good storage space makes this tablet a very attractive gadget. The only thing which is missing here is 3G connectivity. I expect Xiaomi will keep launching such type of amazing products like Mi Pad.
Now you can buy Mi Pad (2G – 16GB) or Mi Pad (2G – 64GB) tablet at the best price here from the Flosmall Online Store where you’ll be able to find variety of tablets. This online store offers worldwide delivery which is absolutely a notable thing.
Final Words
Xiaomi Mi Pad is reasonably priced and that’s why it has good popularity worldwide. As Xiaomi Mi Pad got good success, we can expect Xiaomi to soon launch Mi Pad 2 tablet. I hope that Mi Pad tablet will have the most attractive features and it may become the best tablet available worldwide.
What is you thought about this low-price striking gadget? Have you bought Xiaomi Mi Pad Tablet recently? Share your views and experiences

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How To Use Google Plus To Increase Brand Awareness Of The Business?

Google Plus stats (As of Feb 2014)

Google Plus is just two years old. With the +1 and Author Rank, it gets influence of search engine rankings and hence it is widely used by content creators, webmasters and marketers to gain exposure and boost their brand awareness with it. According to the recent stats, Google Plus has more than 1 billion accounts till now and active monthly users are about 540 million. Every month, nearly 8 lakh new users are signing up here and almost 70% of business are using it to attain SEO and search ranking benefits. Furthermore, G+’s +1 is being used more than 5 billion times a day and the growth rate of Google Plus is 33% per year.
I am sure that you got amazed with this latest Google Plus stats, am I right? Now, let’s discuss some significant reasons on using Google Plus to increase brand awareness of a business.  

Why Google Plus is needed to increase brand awareness?

Google Plus offers some excellent brand building opportunities for every business and so it is ingenious to make use of it effectively. Some of the reasons that Google Plus is required for your brand’s visibility are given below
                                                    Image Credit: Freedigitalphotos.net

1. Search engines can measure the popularity of your G+ profile based on the amount of information gets shared about your brand and level of activities of that page. So, if your G+ profile has higher visibility then it will lead to high SERP to your shared posts.
2. If your profile is public here, anyone can recommend your posts by giving +1 and it could be seen by the people in their circles and you’ll get new followers to enlarge your visibility.
3. Google+ Circles and Hangouts are the great tools to share the special offers/latest updates/new products to your followers effortlessly.
There are many reasons, but I touched some key points in using Google Plus to enhance the brand awareness of the business. 

Recommendations to use Google Plus to increase brand awareness of a business

It is important for a business to have a solid presence on Google Plus and I’ve already discussed this matter. If you missed this post, you can check here “Why Google plus for business?” As the potential of G+ is getting advanced day by day, most of the brands are amusingly taking part here to increase their social presence.

Escalating social existence with Google plus for a business is good, but how to establish authority on it? Here are my beneficial Google plus tips to boost brand awareness which would aid you to grow as an expert in your business.

1. Add quality followers

“The more no. of Google + followers that I am having, the more I’ll be considered important by Google” Are you thinking so? If so, you’re wrong and it is hard to get authoritative in the eyes of Google. Yes, it is not important that the no. of followers you have, it is about the attentive followers who are ready to engage with your shared posts. So don’t follow the people simply as they are following you.

2. Share Fabulous content

Every online business should have a blog to give consistent updates for their customers about their product/service and obviously content is the king. If you’re an excellent content creator with in-depth information, you can easily establish authority in Google Plus but you should be selective in sharing other’s content. Yeah, the less discrimination while sharing the posts in G+, the less weight of your share will be made by Google. Are you getting me? I am saying that it would be good to share the posts according to the interest of your audience.

3. Consider +1 button as valuable

The +1 button of G+ is more valuable and if you hit it, you’re authorizing that content of the post. It will be meaningless and seems even spam, if you are endorsing everything. So, don’t randomly hit the +1 of your follower’s posts. Do read the content, estimate its value and then give your vote for it. Try to leave your meaningful comment on the post where you’re hitting the +1 of G+.

4. Use Spark and Ripples

Spark- It is an amazing tool to find out and track everything about your fascinating content on Google Plus. Moreover, you can share your topics of interest to your friends circle.
Ripples – Many Google Plus users are unaware of this beneficial feature which is hidden in the drop down menu of each post. If your post got shared by the people, it is possible to get the reshare details through a visual way with Ripples. You could also make use of it to find the leaders with big thoughts and influential in your business field.
Making use of these tools will let to have a better understanding about Google plus and it would increase your brand awareness.
 I just started using these features of Google plus, so will write a detail post about its usage in my upcoming posts.

5. Citation of high authority profiles

While creating content for your business, if you’re including any reference link from high authority site, try to find the Google Plus profile of that author and add with it.
This is Google Plus profile citation and this will create back-link to their G+ profile. After publishing the post, share it in G+ by mentioning the author whom you’ve linked and they’ll get notification. Then they might appreciate you and share your post on their network to reach broader audience.
This is better than ping-back method as you’re adding high authority Google Plus profile to your content and marketing that attribution.

6. Leverage Communities and Hangouts

To get good authority in your niche, it is good to make relationship with the like-minded spectators and this could be attained by using communities and hangouts of Google plus. Creating communities (social groups) based on specific interest and engaging with them live through hangouts would help you to obtain more interaction with the concurring people and hence increase brand awareness.

7. Utilize cross product integration & Embed post

Google+ has integrated with Gmail, YouTube and Google drive and so you’ll get opportunity to show the market that you’re having a brand that booms on many levels for your entire operations with a remarkable format.
Like Facebook and Twitter, Google Plus posts can be embedded on your webpage. By highlighting your informative post shared on Google Plus along with your interesting conversation with audience, your brand reliability will be visible to your visitors. 

8. Link your G+ profile through comments

As commenting on other web pages is an effective way to build relationship with your link prospectus, add your Google plus profile page instead of your business webpage in leading websites related to your field. As it emphasis more on building a connection rather than link building, you’ll get good prestige from the visitors and site owner and they’ll add you in their Google plus circles which would expand your brand awareness.

Best ways to make money on YouTube

What is YouTube?

YouTube is a video based website which allows the users to view and share the videos. It launched in the year 2005 by the former PayPal employees and later it was acquired by Google. Here uploaded videos converted into the Adobe flash files so that the people can see the videos without any software or plugin.
Did you know the current popularity of YouTube? Yes, it is the No.2 search engine and currently there are more than 800 million of monthly unique visitors. Most of the people searches to learn about products and services in YouTube than reading the written content. As its popularity getting advanced daily, it is the best idea to look for some ways to make money with it. So let’s check some best ways to make money on Youtube videos.

       Image credit: Flickr.com

How to make money on YouTube?

If you want to make money on you-tube, it would be good if you upload videos in it. Original videos like videos created with the help of mobile phones or camcorder attracts the people a lot. Or if you want to present some computer tutorials by capturing its screen, expression encoder or Camtasia can be used.
Are you interested in creating the videos with any of the method which I’ve specified above? Then you may do reading the ways to earn money with it.

1. Join in YouTube partner program.
Joining as a partner with the YouTube is good but you need to get approval to make money with it. If you want to earn through this method, you have to publish the videos regularly on your fascinating subjects, market your videos with social media and setup a good subscriber base for it. Then apply for the partner program to earn a percentage of Ad revenue from YouTube.
Individual video partnerships and Account level partnerships are the two different types of partner programs available for the users to make money on YouTube videos.

2. Sell your own merchandise by promoting it.
If you are excellent in creating the products like software, eBooks, apps for mobile/PC or specific services like writing, SEO and so on, create your quality videos which explain about the product/service and promote it through YouTube. Try to reach more customers to get product purchases/service requests.

3. Do affiliate marketing.
This is the good option for you, if you are not attentive in creating the products. Usually there are two types of people using the YouTube. Some for entertainment and rest of the people are searching the solutions for their problems. Just target the second group people and usekeyword tool to find the requirements of people.
Sign-up in some giant affiliate websites like Amazon or Clickbank and choose the riveted problem solving product. Create interesting video about the chosen product and add your affiliate link in the description. The more YouTube subscribers you have, the greater sale of affiliate products.

4. Create videos for blogs/website
Many webmasters are driving huge traffic with their YouTube videos and earning with it. If you have a blog/website and using revenue sharing program like Google AdSense or doing affiliate marketing, then you can increase the earnings by creating the interesting videos about your blog and ask them to check your blog/website at the end of the video.
Also, it is possible to add your Google Adsense ads on your created videos and you could make some bucks if its get clicked. To enable this feature, login into your Adsense account, go to YouTube.com,  click triangle symbol near upload option. Then choose
Dashboard —> channel settings —> enable monetization.
While creating videos, make sure to avoid other people’s sound/music. It is virtuous for the bloggers to make money on YouTube videos with their blog and the CTR is high here.

5. Sell links in youtube description
Selling place for links in your description field is the simple way to earn money from YouTube. As the YouTube enables links in the description field, you can contact advertisers and offer a CPM figure to place their links instead of yours. You should aware in selecting the advertisers to keep up your channel reputation.
Also, you can search for the videos without any links in the description and ask them to place your links to gain more audience by paying less money.

Magical ways to make money on YouTube

1. It is always curious to take part in contests, and if it is in the viral medium, then? So search for some branded contests in YouTube and take part in those to win some cash and cool prizes.
2. Search for some local businesses which do not have online presence. Convince them that you’ll create videos for them by explaining their products or services, upload these videos to help them to get online presence and make money with it.
3. If you are excellent in creating the vibrant tutorials and having thousands of subscribers, then you could ask some payments to view your channel.


Internet is a big source of making money at the comfort of home. If you have some unique skills, then it is possible for you to earn money without investment. Many authentic online jobs invite the people to make online income at convenient time.
Making money on YouTube is one of it and many folks are earning a decent income with their own videos. Number of subscribers and views are the key elements to make money on YouTube, so make an attention to have large number of genuine subscribers.
Hope you gained some knowledge about “How to earn money on YouTube?”. What is your opinion about these ways to make money on YouTube?