Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Best Browser Games to Play at Spare Time

pThis post is for game lovers to understand the technology improvements in gaming and to play best browser games at spare time.
The aim of technology is to make our life simple and enjoyable. Every aspect of human life is being affected by new technology improvements and internet. Incorporation of modern technology into the gaming field has attracted by most of the people which permits them to play a variety of online games. Their gaming experience is unbelievable and they could get more excitement by playing any game of their choice with a single click of few seconds.
Are you a game lover? I hope this post would help you to comprehend the perceptions of browser games and you could choose your fascinating browser game to play. Before getting into the details of best browser games, let me explain about its basics.

What are browser games?
Games played on the internet using a web browser are called browser games. These games do not need any installation of client software as these were created with web browser as a client. Most of the browser games are single player games which could be played with a web browser through HTML and its scripting technologies.
              Image Credit : library.escondido.org
So these games are also called Flash games or Java games. Some of the browser games comes with the multi-player option and uses Ajax technologies. Now have a look at the best browser games to play at your convenient time.

8 Best browser games to play right now
It is an online role-playing game introduced in the year 2001. More than 200 million of accounts have created till now for this game and the players are characterized with customisable avatars here. This game is based on combat system and it has high detailed graphics and sound effects. As the popularity of the Runescape has risen, its third iteration released in this year (July 2013). It is a full-filled game and the people could join as a member to enjoy certain benefits.
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Pandemic 2
In pandemic 2, the job of the player is to infect and kill everyone in the world with their disease. If the player starts to spread the virus to other countries, their government will act conflicting to the player by closing airports and boat harbours. So the payers have to watch the news headlines and keep tracking the regional events and conditions. If the player fails to infect a single person, the game would complete instantly and if he/she kills the entire human on earth, they would complete the game by winning.

10 Bullets
It is a famous chain reaction game in which the player has to destroy as many ships with 10 bullets. Ships are moving from right to left of the browser and the entertainer has to hit the ships at the exact time by shooting the bullets. Every bullet shot would look like firework and it is one of the best browser game.
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Wonderputt is a famous mini-golf browser game that could be played on the web browser. The player should sink the ball through the landscapes to the goal point in few strokes to get high score. This is one of the fun filled online browser games for the sports game fans.
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Drakensang Online
It is a remarkable action game with excellent 3D graphics and effects. The Player faces the unspeakable evil of the Anderworld and to travel icy mountains, steppes and dungeons. On their journey through Duria, a customizable skill tree offers incredible powers to use and lot of goodies would be provided to make their quest more memorable.
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Multiplayer browser games
Some player might be interested in Multiplayer browser games to play with their friends or online players. Here are the few MMORPG (massive multi-player online role-playing game) browser games.
       Image Credit: Gamerxplanet.net
This independent multi-player browser game was created by French designers and its main objective is to collect and take the cheese to the mouse-hole. Players act a mouse and if they reach high score, they become Shaman. Then, they could help other mice to get the cheese and put into the mouth hole.
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Quake live
Quake Live is an extremely popular shooter game developed by id software. A simple browser plugin handles the entire game and it does not use Flash. To run the game, the player has to permit the installation of the plugin. After few mins, they’ll be able to play and customize the character, keys and other game settings. Then the player would undergo a short training to practice the game and determine their skill. It is one of the refreshing 3D games with excellent graphics.
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Adventure Quest World
This is a massive multiplayer online role playing game developed entirely in Adobe Flash. More than 20 million accounts were created till now and it is one of the top 2D fantasy browser game. It is a best battle game which uses real time batting with other players and the players could get a lot of social options as well. Various gameplay options are available in this game with tons of quests.
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Online games are getting popular among the internet users and so the web browsers are developing the advanced browser applications to support the gaming industry. Modern technologies like WebGL, fast JavaScript engines, geolocation, Scalable vector graphics, Canvas (2D graphics) etc. helps to build smart and complex games on the web. Sometimes, the browser-game contests are conducted by the popular web browsers for the fascinated game players.
Several free browser games were created with Adobe flash technology which runs on both latest and ancient browsers and through multiple operating systems. A survey states that the desktop users shows more interest in playing the best browser games than the smartphone users.
Browser games can be played just to chill out the work and to get relaxed. But continuous playing could distract the work and might cause productivity loss. So I suggest you to play these games just for fun & tranquil and it should not be a main job!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

10 Scary Realizations You Have in Your First Job

For recent grads, ghouls and goblins aren't what cause the most fear this time of year. If you're working your first job, there are likely several things that have surprised or even shocked you about being an employee.
1. Your paycheck is shriekingly shrunken. You're not the first recent grad to be horrified at how much taxes eat up your paycheck. You may have been excited about what you were offered as your salary and thought you would be bringing home more than you are. Now you're wondering how you will be able to pay your phone bill. Here's an illustration: If you make $35,000 in Arizona and are filing as single on your taxes, you'd take home $1,346 every two weeks and pay just over $300 in Social Security and federal and state tax. That doesn't take into account any 401(k) or health insurance costs you may also have to pay for. 2. You don't always get to leave at 5:00. Your idea of work is coming in at 9 a.m. (or a few minutes late) and leaving at 5 p.m. on the dot. Unfortunately, your new boss has other ideas. You frequently end up staying late to finish up, and all you want to do is whine about it. For many career paths, there is an unspoken expectation to put in additional hours regularly. If you feel that you're being taken advantage of, however, talk to your boss about expectations and see if you can cut back on the overtime. 3. Your job description has grown since you were hired. Just like a ghost, extra assignments keep appearing out of thin air. You're indignant. After all, you were hired to do a specific set of tasks, not be the office workhorse. Again, think before you complain. If you take on additional assignments willingly, people will notice, and you'll be rewarded down the road. It's a résumé booster and possibly the key to getting to work on more interesting and high-profile assignments within your company. 4. The office is spookily similar to school. Thought you'd gotten away from those annoying school cliques, did you? The office is a social landscape, just like school, only with better-dressed players. You've probably observed the Lazy Losers, who always try to pawn off their work, the Go Get 'Em Ghouls, who are professional brown nosers, and the Manipulative Monsters, who try to have their way at all times. It's easy to get caught up in the drama but in the long term, staying centered and not focusing on the gossip will increase your productivity and gain the respect of your colleagues and superiors. 5. Gray areas are everywhere. You read the employee handbook cover to cover the minute you were hired. You know that office relationships, open-toed shoes and latecomers are strictly forbidden, and yet you see signs of violations of these rules all over the place. Every company culture is different. Some adhere to the rules more strictly, while others are more lax. Follow suit to what others are doing, and if you're not sure if it's OK to bend the written rules, ask someone. 6. Not a lot of work gets done. Your cubicle buddy takes 10 coffee breaks each day. Most of your co-workers take two-hour lunches. Your office probably isn't the pit of productivity you envisioned. That makes it easy for you to shine! Minimize your trips to the office cooler and focus on your work, and you'll have a case for your first raise when employee review time comes around. 7. The secret romances aren't so secret. Despite that rule on page 72 of the employee handbook, you see co-workers sneaking into the copy room for a quick smooch. You've been warned against the dangers of interoffice romances, and can't understand why these couples would jeopardize their work relationships in this way. 8. Your boss is the worst manager in the world. So much for people getting ahead based on their own merit. Your boss may be a slavering spook, unable to manage himself, let alone a team. While it's certainly no picnic to work for a maniacal boss, it's actually an excellent lesson in your career. You'll have to work for and with all manner of people, so adjusting to different personalities and temperaments can help you acclimate to a new work environment. 9. You think someone's out to sabotage you. If there's a co-worker who lusted after your job before you were hired, there might be some resentment radiating in your general direction. You may feel her hostility in meetings, and she may even go so far as to trip you up. Don't engage. Focus on your work, and if the situation becomes severe, talk to HR to intervene. 10. They're watching your every move. Just like the old reality show "Big Brother," your employer may keep tabs on you. Your computer activity, your daily activity and the time you come to work and leave may be under sharp scrutiny. If you work in a professional service, you may have to log up to the minute what you are doing for your clients. Some of this tracking is to enforce company policies, and other times it essential for budgeting and billing purposes. Lindsay Olson is a founding partner and public relations recruiter with Paradigm Staffing and Hoojobs, a niche job board for public relations, communications and social media jobs. She blogs at LindsayOlson.com, where she discusses recruiting and job search issues.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Solar energy: How Does It Work?

International warming isn't really the only problem which is causing Delta lighting arrestor world to think green and embrace eco-friendly means. There's another significant aspect which is the boosting cost of power. With the speed of which power is being utilized, there'll be a day when electricity sources would certainly be exhausted. The apprehended lack of power in direct future is causing the electrical power rates to increase. This suggests that a great deal of individuals are contemplating different options of cost-effective electricity. The very best renewable resource source in today's globe is in fact solar power.

Sunshine contains power and whenever this sunshine strikes an object, solar charge controllers power develops into warmth. When light strikes particular products the power will certainly end up being an electrical existing, which may be used as another power resource. The sort of material that is used in capturing the sunshine is acknowledged as "Solar cells".
Solar cells are being made use of solar rack develop photovoltaic panels. Solar panels come in various kinds and forms relying on what you call for. Traditional photovoltaic panels are produced from sizable crystals made from silicon. Whenever sunshine strikes the silicon, the electrons inside the crystal rise and reposition when subjected to sunshine to make heat, which is after that changed into electricity. Silicon changes a great deal of sun light to electrical energy, though the crystals cost excessive to produce.
These days, you could discover smaller, cheaper crystals as an example copper-indium-gallium selenide which could be moulded in to pliable movies called "thin-film solar cells". Thin-film solar cells will not have the ability to compete with silicon in converting light in to power.
There's lots of most different type of solar batteries available in today's market such as poly-crystalline panels, mono-crystalline and as well as amporphous. Each of these have their very own benefits and drawbacks. The most well-liked right now are poly-crystalline panels since the performance is good and also the price to make these.
The power efficiency on the crystalline silicon cell is within the 22 to 23 % variety. This implies that they transfer as much as 23 % of the light into power. The rate to produce huge amounts of photovoltaic panels is extremely expensive which discusses why the total solar outcome is reduced.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Issues With Your Teeth? How You Can Find A Dentist.

Browse some reviews on the dentist on the Net to discover one which includes a great individuality and delivers great customer service. That will go a protracted way towards supporting you are feeling at ease in the course of your appointment.

You could be informed that brushing your teeth twice per day is the technique to hold your teeth cleanse and wholesome, but there are moments when it is crucial to brush much more generally. One time is any time you take in a lot of sugar because it can defend in opposition to tooth decay and defend enamel.
Even though brushing your teeth, never neglect your molars and back teeth. It is easy to only adhere with the teeth that you're ready to discover in a mirror, but your teeth will commence to decay when they really don't get any notice compensated to them. Give your molars just as considerably notice while you give your entrance teeth, soon after all, it might be really difficult to chew with out them.
To maintain correct dental well being, you should stop by a dentist regularly. In case you stay clear of owning regular checkups together with your dentist, you might end up working with major challenges later on in life. A visit to the dentist will allow you to realize that your mouth is cleanse and that your teeth are wholesome. You can get nearly anything that's been a challenge fastened as well.
Do not chew ice. This can lead to cracking in the teeth, enabling microorganisms to acquire in and develop cavities. Also, you should use caution when ingesting popcorn or nuts mainly because these may bring about injury. In case you have a tooth that you choose to feel is cracked, get hold of your dentist when achievable.
If you want healthful teeth, you will need brush your teeth 2 times every day in place of once. Brush in the early morning to help you clear away any bacteria accrued when sleeping. Brush at bedtime to wash your teeth following a day of eating, consuming and working with tobacco goods.
Do not forget to brush your tongue at the same time as your teeth. The food you eat collects on your tongue and just leaving it there makes it possible for micro organism and germs to form. This microorganisms could potentially cause cavities, at the same time as bad breath.
Should you are worried that you usually are not successfully removing plague, check out using a disclosing mouthwash or tablet. Prior to deciding to get started brushing, swish or chew the product or service. You then should be able to see regions of plaque plainly since they is going to be dyed pink or blue. It may possibly be time intensive to brush all the dye absent, so be sure you have suitable time out there. Really don't do this when you're speeding for getting to work in the early morning.
As outlined before, in case you overlook caring for your personal teeth, you may regret it in the foreseeable future. An extended existence crammed with healthy smiles demand focus on your component. Use this recommendation to possess nutritious teeth for some time to return and also to keep away from any dental regrets.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

TRAI wants Pan-India MNP by April 2014

Full MNP was expected to be implemented way back in February this year itself but was delayed due to opposition from service providers.

Pan Indian Mobile Number Portability, which would enable mobile phone users to switch service providers even when they move from one state to other, may be a reality by as soon as April 2014 as the Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRAI) has mandated mobile phone companies to implement full number portability within six months.
TRAI wants Pan-India <a target=MNP by April 2014" title="TRAI wants Pan-India MNP by April 2014">
Till now Mobile Number Portability only allow users to shift between service providers in a particular circle. For instance, if you have a number registered in Delhi circle, then at present you would only be allowed to move to any service provider within this circle.

Full MNP was expected to be implemented way back in February this year itself but was delayed due to opposition from service providers. In fact, National Telecom Policy (NTP) 2012 had also emphasised the implementation of national number portability.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to Protect iPad/iPhone/iPad iOS Devices

Which iOS devices do you have, iPad, iPhone or iPod? Do you worry about that the files on your iOS device are not safe enough? Well, here I list 5 methods of iOS data protection, you can protect iPhone, iPad or iPod and keep the files in a safe state.

1.    iTunes Backup
When you connect your iOS device to your Mac or PC, it will be back up the entire system via iTunes. Backup usually only takes a few seconds, and automatically. If you have a chance to recover files on Mac or Windows for iOS device from backup, you will find it exactly recovered the same before backup, from contacts to call records, from the data to the settings of a single application, or even the position of a single application on the Home screen.
How to use?
As long as you connect your iOS device to your computer with iTunes installed already, your data is automatically backed up (to ensure that automatic synchronization is not disabled). Open the device tab from iTunes, you can manually delete old backups. A new device or in backup status device will be automatically ask you to restore operation when the first activated.

2.    State Preservation
Similar to the automatic save and restore functionality on Mac OS X system, iOS provides API interfaces to third-party developers for their applications to join the state preservation. So that the application can always ensure your data is stored, even the application crash suddenly. This feature allows the user to start and launch applications on iOS just like to do simple switching operation.
How to use?
This is one system-level function for developers. The user does not need to do anything.

3.    Security Mechanism Against Malicious Programs
People often say that Mac OS X system more secure because of its market share in the desktop operating system is not high. However, it also have rarely malicious programs despite it is more and more popular, while iOS system is completely no malicious programs, so that the market share is not the only reason.
How to use?
Most of Security Mechanisms in Apple's operating system are automatic and do not require user intervention. Mac OS X system built-in firewall default as off, but for security reasons, it is best to open it manually: System Preferences - Security and Privacy - Firewall.

4.    Encryption Anywhere
Apple's encryption technology is built-in every part of their system. From desktop systems to mobile operating system backup, to a Web-based synchronization, all things can be encrypted. One of the biggest advantages is that the data will no longer vulnerable to malicious attacks; and when the data is lost, users can remotely cleared the data within seconds
How to use?
In Mac OS X, Apple's encryption technology is called FileVault, via System Preferences - Security and Privacy - FileVault to open. In order to prevent forgetting your password, remember to save the recovery key in a safe place. For iOS devices, the default already have system-level encryption, but the backed up can also be encrypted from the iTunes Summary tab.

5.    iCloud
Users can able to synchronize their bookmarks, calendar, contacts and e-mail (also including applications, documents, music, photos, and other files) through network to iCloud. This would mean that the most of the sensitive data will be stored in the cloud, so that the possibility of theft or loss of data will be greatly reduced.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Before Choosing A Lawyer, Read This Sound Advice

When it comes to finding a good lawyer, the search can be quite frustrating. Any given area is so full of lawyers it can be intimidating to pick one. Luckily, this article provides great advice which will make your search for a lawyer much easier.

Any time you meet with a prospective lawyer, request a written estimate of fees. Legal help can be cheap or wildly expensive, depending on the lawyer, and you need to know what you're getting yourself into. You don't want to hire an attorney who you are not going to be able to afford.

If there's a specific lawyer really gunning for you, don't be compelled to hire him. This is often the domain of scammers. Really study up and choose a lawyer that's right for you.
Do not hire a lawyer that is searching for you. If you are involved in a case that can be costly, they may be trying to scam you. Only hire a lawyer that you want.

Never go with the first lawyer you see in the phone book when you need one. Blindly choosing a lawyer is never a good idea. Do not take just anyone's word either, do your own research so that you can choose with confidence. Doing your own research can help you avoid problems in the future.
Maintain records of each contact you and your lawyer have. Keep records of when you met, how long it took and what issues were raised, as well as what fees have been accumulated thus far. This log can assist you in handling potential problems down the road, such as large fees you aren't familiar with.

Find out as much as you you can about a lawyer's reputation when you are making a selection. Get information from the state bar and from online resources with reviews on attorneys, and you can find enough information to help you make a decision about a certain lawyer. That brings a positive outcome.
You need to make sure you're asking enough questions. When you speak with the lawyer on the phone or in person, you need to notice whether or not they're interested in answering every question that you have or not. They are responsible for ensuring your comfort with them. Don't be afraid to walk away if they do not, it just means they're not the right choice for you.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Important Considerations For The Real Estate Buying Process

 The purchase of real estate is life-changing, and can cause stress. But, the stress of home buying can be reduced if a person is properly educated. The advice below should give you a good preview of your potential situation to make your home-buying experience a good one.

When entering into any cheap condo deal, it is always best to hire a lawyer. The contracts and requirements of buying real estate can be overwhelming. A real estate lawyer can be the deciding factor in making sure you get not only the best deal, but also the protection you need.
Be cautious when hiring a home inspector. Get recommendations from friends and family, and it is usually wise to hire your own inspector, even if the seller offers to have it inspected. Do not go with the first inspector you find, call and interview at least three so you can be confident in your choice.
Ask your real estate agent for referrals from their latest sales. Most realtors will be more than happy to share the names of recent clients whom you can talk to when evaluating the merits of the agent. These clients can give you insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the agent.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

BlackBerry Z30: BlackBerry's 1st phablet announced

This smartphone features 5-inch Super Amoled full 1080p HD display and packs quad-core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor inside.

BlackBerry has formally announced its first large display bearing handset - BlackBerry Z30. After being spotted several times, finally the BlackBerry Z30 is made official. The BlackBerry Z30 offers a 5-inch Super Amoled full HD display and is powered by a quad-core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile processor. BlackBerry Z30 will come pre-loaded with the improved BlackBerry 10.2 OS version with bunch of new features and several under the hood improvements. BlackBerry Z30 will be made available in the UK and Middle East by next week and availability for other regions is expected by holiday season (late November).

The BlackBerry Z30 features a 5-inch Super Amoled display with full 1080p HD native resolution. The BlackBerry 10.2 OS has been tweaked to run on this large display and also perform all the other usual tasks smoothly. The BBM Voice and BBM Video are also expected to function more smoothly with this version.
BlackBerry Z30
The new BlackBerry 10.2 OS update brings BBM everywhere throughout the system and get the message previews. BlackBerry has implemented stereo speakers in the device and implemented the BlackBerry Natural Sound technology for making sound in BBM voice as well as video calls more natural.
BlackBerry Z30
BlackBerry has also implemented new BlackBerry Paratek Antenna technology to dynamically connect with the best network and provide fastest mobile browsing experience.

The design of the BlackBerry Z30 is very similar to that of the BlackBerry Z10 except that the back panel of the Z30 carries a plastic back panel with glass weave texture finishing. BlackBerry Z30 is powered by a quad-core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro mobile processor with Adreno 320 graphics chip and paired with 2 GB RAM to function smoothly. At the rear, the BlackBerry Z30 has 8 megapixel camera with LED flash and capable of recording 1080p HD video. In the front is a 2 megapixel camera with capability of capturing 720p HD video as well.

BlackBerry has packed a 2880 mAh battery which is non-removable to power this beastly device. The company boasts of 25 hours of battery life on mixed usage.

By default, the on-board storage is limited to 16 GB and there is a memory card slot to add more storage. Other features include dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, Near Field Communication Chip and GPS. For select regions the BlackBerry Z30 will support the 4G LTE networks a well. BlackBerry has though not announced the price of Z30.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

'Bigg Boss 7' Live: The opening night

India's biggest reality show 'Bigg Boss' is set return to the small screen with its seventh season tonight. Yet again 15 contestants will be locked up in the house for 104 days to provide some drama and entertainment to the audiences. Running high on the theme of 'Jannat' and 'Jahanum', the new season promises to bring in some new twists and turns in the show.

Popular actor Salman Khan will return as the host of the reality show for the fourth consecutive time and will play the double role of an angel and a devil for the contestants. As promised in the promos, the contestants will be treated with 'jannat ka wow' and 'jahanum ka ow' for three months. Talking about the theme Salman earlier said, "This year, there's a lot to look forward to and I'm sure the viewers will have a heavenly experience and the contestants will have a hell of a ride!"
What makes the opening night a must watch is not just the presence of Salman Khan but the show will also be high on entertainment quotient as Akshay Kumar will promote his upcoming film 'Boss' on the show. Apart from the two Bollywood heroes, actors from popular comedy show 'Comedy Nights with Kapil' will tickle your funny bones with their humour and wit. But the revelation of the 15 contestants would be the actual high point of the reality show.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Nokia had plans for Android before the Microsoft buyout

Nokia if had not been bought by Microsoft would have launched Android devices by 2014.

Nokia, which has recently been acquired by Microsoft, was reportedly planning to join the Android bandwagon in case the deal hadn't gone through. Infact, as per reports, Nokia was even thinking to bring Android powered devices as soon as 2014.

It is to be noted that similar reports were doing the rounds when Nokia opted for Windows Phone operating system last year.

As per the recent report, "A team within Nokia had Android up and running on the company's Lumia handsets well before Microsoft and Nokia began negotiating”. While that was undergoing Microsoft was also aware of the work that was already under way for the Nokia Android device.

Nokia Lumia ranges of devices are fully compatible with Android operating system. However the company chose the other way out and has given its smartphone business to Microsoft.

Friday, September 13, 2013

How Plastic Surgery Can Change Your Life.

As you grow older, it becomes very difficult to stay in shape. Excess fat buildup, wrinkles and folds – all these spoil your appearance and make you look old and worn out.  Often, body fat in particular body parts fail to go away even with rigorous exercise and a sensible diet. Flaws in physical appearance often lead to loss of self esteem and confidence. In such cases, plastic surgery can act as a life saver, rejuvenating you and improving your looks.

Advanced medical technology has made plastic surgery much safer with the availability of laser body contouring devices that are FDA approved. One such workstation is Smartlipo Triplex that is known for producing excellent aesthetic results. Apart from its cosmetic benefits, plastic surgery provides reconstructive benefits as well bringing about improvements in the lives of people with deformities and birth defects.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Gaining Immense Popularity

Cosmetic plastic surgery is now opted by many figure conscious men and women who desire to improve their looks. Men desiring a six pack and an athletic look, women looking to enhance their breasts, and bring about other bodily improvements can all benefit from cosmetic plastic surgery using the latest advanced laser devices such as Cynosure’s Smartlipo Triplex. The major advantage of laser devices is that they are minimally invasive, with hardly any side effects. When provided by an experienced plastic surgeon, Smartlipo laser liposuction ensures the best aesthetic results as well.

Importance of Finding a Reliable Plastic Surgeon


If you are considering plastic surgery, your first step should be to find a reliable and experienced plastic surgeon. Schedule a consultation with the surgeon to discuss your procedure and cosmetic goals. Moreover, the surgeon will have to find out whether you are a candidate for the surgery. It should be kept in mind that some lab work and tests may have to be done depending on your current state of health and medical history. During the consultation, you should feel comfortable and relaxed.

A plastic surgeon with outstanding artistry in cosmetic surgery would view the body as a work of art. If the surgeon feels that there are problems with the canvas, these issues would be discussed and a proper plan of treatment developed for addressing them effectively. The surgeon would use his expertise and skills to contour the body and give it a better appearance. This would also result in increased confidence and self-esteem.

Plastic surgery is not an alternative to exercising and healthy eating. It can get rid of excess body fat and skin that don’t respond well to conventional weight loss measures. An active and healthy lifestyle will help in maintaining the results from the surgery.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Real-time incident reporting on Google Maps

Google Maps will now offer real-time incident reporting while you are on the move and this feature has been powered by its recently acquired company - Waze.

Google is constantly adding features to its Maps software for the desktop and mobile platforms. Now Google has announced that the Android and iOS mobile application of its Google Maps will feature real-time incidents reports, courtesy Waze users.

 Google acquired Waze - which provides turn by turn GPS navigation service - back in June. With that deal Google promised integration of Waze's socially driven features to benefit the Google Maps users as well. Now Google's official 'Lat Long' blog states about the feature of real-time incident reports from Waze to benefit the Google Maps users as well.

The Waze app users are always able to report incidents like accident, severe traffic jams and others so that the service can provide real-time update to other Waze users. Now those same incident reports will be pushed to Google Maps users with a subtext of Waze app. That means, Waze app will continue to exist as a separate app despite of its mutual integration with Google Maps and other services.

The incident reports will appear for the Google Maps users in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Switzerland, the UK and the USA.

On the other hand, Waze users will able to benefit from Google Search, Google Street View and Satellite Imagery on the Waze app. Google Maps just keeps getting better with a crowd-sourced traffic and map reporting information via Waze as well.

To get the latest version of the Google Maps for your Android device, visit the Google Play Store, and visit Apple App Store in case you have an Apple device. You can also try out the Waze app for Android from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Movie review: Shuddh Desi Romance

Cast: Sushant Singh Rajput, Parineeti Chopra, Vaani Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor
Direction: Maneesh Sharma
Rating: 3Star

We are on with romancing smalltown India lately, far from the maddening exotica of Swiss Alps. Shuddh Desi Romance, coming in the wake of Raanjhanaa earlier this year, takes the Bollywood love story right into the heartland bylanes, its colourful bazaars, middle-class homes and their toilets (yes, toilets play a wittily imaginative role in the progress of this plot).
It is a smalltown backdrop we are all familiar with, and it comes with characters we have definitely met.
Maneesh Sharma's latest is more than a feel-good romance though, and the makeover it marks for the mush formula extends beyond a cosmetic change in locale. The film is a fascinating sketch tracking the mindset of today's youth. It talks of a generation that understands love, values commitment but is often found struggling in a domain somewhere in between.
Jaideep Sahni's choice to set his script in smalltown Jaipur renders novelty. This is a youth base that faces culture clash more acutely than the big city does. Tradition's collision with a rapidly changing belief system makes for interesting drama. Shuddh Desi Romance wholly draws advantage from the idea.
Sahni's writing is known to celebrate stark realism without making it seem too heavy (recall Khosla Ka Ghosla, Chak De! India or Rocket Singh: Salesman Of The Year). It is a quality that gives him a unique place in Bollywood, among writers who are mostly either too spectacular or too sombre. Shuddh Desi Romance only reiterates Sahni's USP. Essentially, this is a rare Hindi film where the writer is as noteworthy as its director, even star cast.
Sushant Singh Rajput is cast as Raghu, happy-go-lucky tourist guide in Jaipur and a big reason you will love this film. Raghu meets the feisty Gayatri (Parineeti Chopra) on his way to wed Tara (Vaani Kapoor). Gayatri is a baaraati, and her one-night interaction with Raghu in the baaraat bus gives him the pre-shaadi jitters. He runs away from his marriage.
Twist in the tale comes when, after a brief live-in romance, Raghu and Gayatri are set to marry but this time it is she who runs away from the mandap.
Raghu, Tara and Gayatri's paths will cross of course, for an interesting finale.
Gayatri is as peppy as Parineeti normally gets. You still spot the odd slant at over-the-top acting but by and large Parineeti is a pleasant watch. Newcomer Vaani Kapoor does impressively to match up to her fine co-stars. There is a wild child streak inherent in Tara and Vaani gets the nuances right. Rishi Kapoor's cameo as the adorable Goel saab, wedding planner/caterer and Raghu's father figure rolled in one, is a delectable value-add to the film.
Quite apt that an effort that strives to reorganise the Bollywood romance should be produced by Yash Raj Films. Shuddh Desi Romance isn't making any drastic bid to change the filmy concept of love. It is still operating with all that has ever worked for the genre. Only, desi mush gets rid of its designer bursts and comes alive with shuddh honesty this time.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sarus Crane: The Only Resident Crane Species of India

The only resident crane species of India has its height more than an average Indian man. Though IUCN has listed this bird in the ‘vulnerable’ category, its numbers in India stands at 10000, in parts of UP, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana. The bird has seen a rapid decline in its numbers in recent years due to pollution and destruction of its habit, i.e., marshlands. Pollutants specially pesticides has proved to be lethal for various birds and animals, and the Sarus Crane isn’t left behind. Steps have been taken for the use of bio-pesticides, so save the environment from the ill effects of the pesticides, which indirectly goes on to harm the human beings, who are at the top of the food chain. Notably, a particular pesticide was harming the vultures, which used to feed on the caracus of animals which in turn had feeded on the grains infected by the pesticide.
Animals and birds play a very important role in maintaining a balance in the ecosystem and indirectly they play a significant role in facilitating the agricultural environment. Bats and bees help in pollination scavenger birds like vultures feed on the caracus of dead animals, birds like Sarus feed on insects and control the spread of weeds by feeding on its seeds.
There are around 15 crane species globally, of which around five are found in India, and Sarus Crane is the only one, therefore, adequate steps should be taken for its conservation.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Look Refreshing In a Short Time Within Few Minutes

Are you struggling from a dull experience triggered by flaky skin?
Don’t worry, scrub your skin to get free of those lustreless dead tissues.
Most skin experts recommend a simple program that can be adopted for fresh, healthy and balanced skin. Cleaning, peeling, toning and moisturizing are the four major steps that ensure you wonderful skin. Exfoliation can help in removing those dull and dead cells that cover up your amazing underlying pores and skin. Thus, clean for a younger stunning skin tone.
Here are Some healthy handmade peeling scrubs:
Facial scrubs should be applied twice or thrice a week to get rid of deceased tissues. They refresh the skin and improve blood flow. And you may possibly have to invest excessive amounts on purchasing them. Below are some amazing and easy-to-make scrubs that can be prepared at home without investing much.
Honey scrub: Honey is known to be excellent in providing beauty. Honey is ideal for dull skin tone as it provides you with a glowing and younger look. Blend 1 tablespoon of honey
with 1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the mixture on our face and leave it for five minutes then wash your face with water and dry up with a clean towel.

Olive oil and sea sodium scrub: Blend 1 teaspoon of olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon of sea sodium in a small bowl. Clean your experience for 5 minutes and then wash with water and pat dry. The outcomes will be awesome. You can see a noticeable shine and glow on your face. Olive oil will also nourish your skin.
Cucumber face scrub: Blend a mid-sized cucumber with 1 teaspoon of honey until a fine insert is ready then add 1 teaspoon of almond oil and 1 teaspoon of wheat bacteria. Use it as a fresh for 5 minutes. Clean with water and pat dry. You will see a shine and beauty that this fresh gives your experience.

Papaya Scrub: Bring about half tea spoon of brown sugar to a slice of papaya and mix thoroughly. Scrub on your facial area for couple of minutes and wash well. You can notice your skin glowing and leaves you with a refreshed feeling

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tips to Create Resume that gets you Job Interviews

A qualified resume should be more than just a job summary…it has to be an advertising document that symbolizes you in the strongest, most potent method possible and sells you for the job opportunity.

The majority job seekers don’t have a resume that does this well.  If you aren’t getting shortlisted for interviews, probability is your resume isn’t playing an integral role. The good information is that most of the time, all it takes is a small number of simple changes.
We give you few tips… about editing
1) Tactical Editing
Lack of appropriate editing can slaughter a resume in spite of a candidate’s experience. Equally, strategic editing can reduce all types of possible red flags and shows that you respect a recruiters time, which is always pleasing. Apart from the good practice of maintaining the document limited to 2-3 pages, here are few tips to trim down disorder and maximize impact:
Combine together short-term or contract positions into a “Short-Term projects Highlights” or similar section in your Work Experience. This section would use 1 bullet per job mentioning a key achievement, as well as the accurate job title, company name, and dates
If you’ve played roles of steadily increasing responsibility within the same organization, you are not compelled to list each position or role in detail. Instead, focus on the most recent position and, within the “Key Achievements” or related section, add a line that references the previous jobs. An example would be “Promoted from Marketing Associate to Marketing Manager during tenure.
Only include education and training programs that are related to the type of job you’re looking for. You have the choice to leave everything else out.
All the best in your job search!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tips: Best Time Management Tips

Once your life is structured, every little thing drops at the perfect position. To live a structured daily life and to deal with time one must have calmness of mind.
Time administration is the potential to plan and manage how to spend the hours in your day to efficiently achieve your goals. It is one of those skills that no one instructs you. Trying working with the time of day that will work the best. One should plan those tasks that require your complete attention at the time of the day when you’re most alert and full of energy. Focus on the most prosperous time of the day.
For some people, this time is very first thing in the morning. For other people, it may be the mid-day. The time you pick is primarily based upon your personal energy ranges. It is essential to manage your time to balance the uncertain needs of time for leisure, study, making money and spending time with your loved ones too. To start with, always keeping a to-do checklist is one of the best way to do things methodically. You should have a reminder note technique to tell you of when to do what? Never try to fit in everything in your brain which might cause problems. Hold a pen and a paper or organizer wherever you go. Set your self specific and clearly outlined desired goals, and make sure these are practical and attainable.
Time ManagementBalance your work, work on smaller portions every day, starting up with the most essential tasks first.
To add a little fun in your time management in increments like enjoy a game with your self by fighting against the time clock. Give your self a time target to finish a portion of a task or the whole task. Having a break is also very important, its essential to give your self time to let free. Clear your thoughts and recharge your self to refocus. Make a decision and stick to a proper 10-15 minutes break.
Generally keep track of your success. You’ll be very happy and peaceful by getting through the everyday tasks. Not only you will be acquiring things done, completing tasks will give you a good sense of achievements and motivation.
 Slumber sleep for 6-8 hours every night time, acquiring the right amount of sleep will keep you attentive and enthusiastic, able to think clearly and perform at a very high degree.

Avoid Hair Fall – Tips To Prevent Hair Loss

Suffering from Hair loss?: We discuss here efficient and effective ways to keep our beautiful hair, healthy and shiny as well as tips to avoid and prevent hair loss.
What is hair loss? If your hair is thinning and becomes brittle or when you  comb or shampoo you see numerous strands of hair on  your palm, then it surely is a reason of grave concern.
Reasons for hair loss: Hair loss is usually due to hormonal imbalance, mainly fluctuation in growth hormone levels as it is primarily responsible for hair growth and development.
 In conditions like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism due to imbalance in thyroid gland secretions.
 Malnutrition and improper diet may lead to nutritional deficiency which also leads to hair loss.
 Few major causes for hair fall are pollution, dust, smoke, etc. which may lead to rugged hairs. Stress and tension may aggravate the hair loss.
Precaution to avoid hair fall:
Avoid adulterated shampoo, oils, hair gels, etc. as they contain high chemical ingredients.
Avoid experimenting hair, dying/coloring because it contains many chemicals and percentile of ammonia of which hair becomes brittle and thin.
Avoid washing hair with too hot water it can cause severe hair loss.
Avoid drying hair with a hair blower/dryer.
Avoid exposing hair to dust while traveling or if you are staying out in pollution for long time
Basic tips to maintain healthy and beautiful hair:
Wash your hair with the shampoo which suits you or the one you have been using since long, don’t experiment until you feel that its really not working.
Use natural shampoo like Arnica shampoo or Jaborandi shampoo which are chemical free.
Its suggested to wash your hair with warm water or on room temperature. People who are not used to cold water may use luke warm water.
Use tap water, avoid bore-well or salty water.
Apply oil to your hair atleast thrice a week with non chemical based oils like coconut, olive, etc

How To Avoid Weight Gain After Marriage

Happiness of getting married may add more weight to your body. Now that you have got the perfect guy already, you may hardly bother to go work out back again to get that fab look or you may have got too less time mingling with your in laws to worry about your body which made your Mr. Perfect say YES to marry you.
 Well, you do not really have to get that worried. We have few special tips on how to avoid weight gain after marriage for you which are easy and will lead you have a healthy lifestyle after marriage:
1.Eat Healthy: Prefer cooking low calorie food at home picking some of the nutritious ingredients. Say a big NO for the fatty foods and enjoy sugar free sweets which are easily available these days.
2.Simple Exercises: Sparing a little time for about 30 minutes minimum basic exercises can help you burn fat and sweat it out. Regular exercising will surely work wonders to your body.
3.Stay Happy: When a person is tensed or in a worried mood, men may get addicted to drinking and women rely on excess chocolates and junk food. Avoid this and live happily sorting out things than making it more complicated.
4.Multi-Tasking: Instead of just sticking to the television, use the time parallelly doing body stretches, do some physical household activity. Being active this way, will help you stay fit without wasting time behind just sitting idle watching your favorite daily soaps.
5.Toning Body Exercises: Push-ups, Floor sit-ups, Tricep dips and a few dumbbell moves will give you a perfect shape you always desired for.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Recipe Vegetable Samosa Recipe – Make Samosa At Home

Now make India’s most favourite snack suitable for all occasions which is also liked by all — THE SAMOSA
For the pastry:
4 oz. plain flour
Pinch of salt
1 oz. butter / ghee
2 tbs warm milk
For the stuffing:
1 big onion
1 inch ginger
2 green chillies
Oil for frying
1/2 bunch coriander leaves
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
4 oz. green peas shelled
1/2 tsp garam masala powder
Salt – to taste
4 oz. potatoes, boiled, pealed,cubed.
2 tsp lemon juice
1.Sieve the flour with salt. Rub in butter/ ghee.
2.Add milk and knead to a stiff, smooth dough. Cover and set aside.
3.Finely mince onion,green chillies,ginger and coriander leaves. Separately heat little oil in a pan and fry mustard seeds, when the crackle add onion and fry till golden brown.
4.Add chillies, ginger and turmeric powder and fry for 2 minutes.Add shelled green peas, garam masala powder and salt. Cook till peas are done.
5.Add potatoes, coriander leaves and lemon juice. Mix well and cook for about 1 more  minute.
6.Remove from heat and cool. Divide the pastry into 6 equal pieces.
7.Roll each into thin circular shape, dust with flour to make rolling easier.
8.Cut each circle into half and place a spoon full of vegetable on each semicircle.Moisture the edges with water and seal carefully to form triangular shape pastries.
9.Heat some oil and deep fry the samosas on both the sides till golden brown.

This favourite Indian snack can be had with sweet tamarind chutney or tomato sauce and salted and fried green chillies. This is the most favourite snack of people to have with tea.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tips to Build a Good, Risk Free Trading Portfolio

No matter what the market condition is, there is always one doubt in the investor’s mind – what to buy ? and at what price?
Trading Tips: There are simple fundamentals and formula and by following them, an individual can build a portfolio with minimised risk and less exposure to even falling markets.
One need to analyse what stock he/she is getting into. After getting basic information about the stock, one has to go through fundamental aspects like taking into consideration the P/E( price per equity ) and the E.P.S( earnings per share ) the higher the EPS, the better the returns. And the P/E is also a key aspect which needs to be below the ratio of 10.
The percentage of stake held by individuals, if less and the percentage of stake held by the promoter/s, if high is also a vital indication of  a good stock.
There must be atleast some difference between the market indicated P/E and the industrial P/E. if the market indicated P/E is less and the industrial P/E is more, it indicates that the stock has some catching up to do which could lead to a rally.
Finally it is advised to build a portfolio which is diversified with systematic and periodic investments. Averaging at suggested resistance levels, specially when markets turn bearish, always brings ones buying price close to the market price.

Karbonn S5 titanium Preview, Specs, Features, Price in India

Karbonn S5 Titanium: The Indian mobile company yet launched with another superb smartphone named Karbonn S5 titanium popularly known as S5 on march 15 th via snapdeal, an online shopping portal.
The mobile is priced at  Rs.11,990/- know to be the cheapest smartphone with quad core processor and superb features that can compete with any smartphone in this price band. The main aim of karbonn is to to sell a few hundred thousand phones of Karbonn Titanium S5 in its first quarter (ending June 2013) as from its CEO comments. Since S5 comprises of Quad Core Qualcomm Snapdragon SoC clocked at 1.2 GHz and 1GB of RAM with ROM of 4GB. 2000 mAh Battery ascendancy hold the 6 hours of video playback and allows the great talk time of 12 hours.
Karbonn S5 has the great build quality and a simple and sober design with the perfect dimension that fits the pocket well as far as information received it looks similar to samsung galaxy S4. Its features, low price and display size(5 inch) makes it more fancy in the market.It comes with a 8mp rear camera with LED flash and 2 mp secondary/front camera this gives a good video calling option too. In video segment this smarty support HD videos as well.
Processor: 1.2GHZ Qualcomm Snapdragon Quad Core Processor.
OS: Android 4.1.2 or Jellybean.
Display: 5 inches
Memory: 4GB internal memory, external card slot.
Titanium S5 gives ultimate gaming and multimedia performance, with its Quad band Processor and 1GB of RAM it is awarded with the Full HD playback and you got every game support for this amount of hardware. With its high speed 3G internet, browsing and downloads on the handset is also enjoyable.
Even though it is best in its class but not getting a quick response that Micromax A116 got. Comparing MMX A116 the difference is karbonn S5 have qHD display only but MMX A116 have full Hd display also MMX A116 have Mediatek processor where Karbonn S5 having snapdragon processor. But still karbonn S5 is Rs.2500 less than MMX A116 that gives a good buy option.Also more number of service centres than micromax makes it a hot favorite soon.
Karbonn S5 is a successor of karbonn S1 titanium as it was not able to create an impact in indian market still provides some good options.Many waiting for its hands on and video review. Hope after that it will create a huge impact. Proud to feel that another Indian company came with quadcore processor that too for less amount giving a tough competation to all mobile giants.
There are many smartphone with quadcore processors available in Indian market that include Micromax A116,Xolo 800, Wammy titan 2 , Karbonn titanium S4 , Zopo 810, Umi X2 etc
Clearly it shows quadcore war 1 going to begin soon…

Effect of Western Cinema on Indian Movies

It was not a long time ago when movies that were being made in Bollywood only contain few basic elements:-
A stereotypical actor(Hero); a stereotypical villain who captures actress(heroine wink wink!) and its the duty of our hero to save the heroine, and the pinch of humor here and there in the film. This was usually the basic story of all the films made in 90′s with the addition of songs around trees.  But as the audiences in India started to get the taste of western movies, Indian film industry changed drastically.
Lagaan(2001) along with Dil Chahta Hai(2001) could be considered as path breaking films in Indian cinema. When other film makers saw that Indian audiences are now changing , they also join the cinematic revolution. Rip-offs of Hollywood films seemed to be safe bet then, so many produces gone with the wind. Thereafter several movies came like:-Kaante(2002):- Inspired by Hollywood film ” Reservoir Dogs”,
Koi Mil Gaya(2003):- Inspired by Hollywood film ” E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”,
Qyamat:City Under Threat:- Inspired by Hollywood film ” The Rock”,
Irrespective of being the rip-offs , these movies are considered to be blockbusters in Indian film history. This made film makers thinking that if pure hollywood storyline can attract few Indian audiences then the blend of both the film industries can attract a whole wider lot of cine-goers.  This started combination of Hollywood and Bollywood masala films and start new era of hindi movies. Movies like:-
Dhoom(2004),  Bunty aur Babli(2005), Krrish(2006), Dostana(2008), Race(2008), Kites(2010) and Ra.One(2011) have hollywood impact on their story telling, action sequences but they still have the Indian feel, this was the main reason that they all excelled at box office, because it doesn’t matter that how much Indian audiences love western cinema,when it comes to blending of west and east, they love it.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Air Asia – Tata Joint Venture Okayed

AirAsia – Tata Joint Venture Okayed:
AIRASIA present to establish an air traveling mutually with the Tata group was approved on Wednesday by the Indian National International financial commitment regulator, offering the way for the initial international service supplier to get into the domestic airplane market.
Malaysia’s AirAsia, the greatest price range support supplier in Japan, plans to launch a local air travel in India with an investment of 800 thousand rupees to cash in on raising need for domestic air travel among India’s rapidly expanding middle-class.
The new airline, AirAsia Native indian, will be managed by the Malaysian company and centered in the south east Native Indian city of Chennai.
AirAsia, by way of its economical commitment arm, will own 49 Per-cent of the new air travel, with Tata Kids Ltd, the owning organization of salt-to-software company unfortunately Tata team, having 30 Per-cent. Arun Bhatia, who runs Telestra Tradeplace, an economical commitment company, will maintain the rest.
After the FIPB( Foreign Investment Promotion Board) meeting, financial affairs secretary Arvind Mayaram said: “Now they have to get the essential licence from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and after getting the licence they can start functioning.”
Previously on Wednesday, Aircraft Reverend Ajit Singh stated he does not predict any major complications for the venture.
India’s airplane market, which has been influenced by downfalls due to high handling costs and strong challengers, was started out to international dealers in September last year. Foreign companies are now able to acquire up to 49 Per-cent of local airways.

Stress – Some Habits That Lead To Stress

Stress – Some Habits That Lead To Stress
Although one may not understand it but it can be many minor habits that add to growing stress levels. There are some basic human habits that should be avoided to reduce the stress from your life. Go through these some habits to know more:
  • Shortage of Sleep: Sleep is a basic necessity of the human being. Everyone maynot be gifted with eight hrs of sleep every day, lack of appropriate or a few necessary hours of sleep each day may head to grogginess and incapability to stay relaxed and centered. This situation, in turn, adds more stress.
  •  Infrequent Meals: Missing meals or not having them on time brings crankiness and shortness of self-control. This could also minimize the capacity of the brain to assume rationally. The end result is a stressed person.
  •  Working lengthy hours: Doing work for lengthy hours keeps you involved in your job. Although this could be a good point in some means but excess of work leads to unwanted stress and nervousness.
  •  Not Interacting with Friends: Communicating with friends and outing with them at least once in a week is a excellent stress-buster. If you are losing out on this, you definitely need to switch your way of living a bit.
  •  Not Getting Together with Loved ones: Problems brewing within family members are the most severe cause of stress in that family. A household that is joyful and living with each other in a good relationship is free of stress as it deals with problems together.
  •  Lack of Exercise: Exercise is the life line of a balanced mind and body. The shortage of it leads to all forms of problems – emotional and physical. A human body that falls short of physical exercise is likely to be mentally upset, as the energy has no discharge and a huge feel-good point is missing.
  •  Lack of Meditation: With the support of meditation, the brain can stay concentrated and direct its energies on beneficial and effective thoughts. To guarantee a less pressured life, ingrain the habit of meditation, just for a few minutes daily.
  •  No Personal Time: To be too absorbed in work or the lifestyles of other individuals can also be very stressful. You require to acquire the habit of providing yourself some time each day or if not at least once in a week. you will enjoy your life and feel stress free.
To enjoy a stress-free life is not the freedom of only saints and sadhus. You can also have a stress-free life, so just get free from the above practices and check out the magic!